Colin Eaton Workshop

At Wesley House, Leeson Park in May, a few of our members engaged in a fun workshop exploring the technique of collage through a process of play and discovery, with architect and collage expert Colin Eaton.

“My artistic process is rather similar to the architectural process. Creating ... and solving. Problems become Possibilities. Brief – Assess – Create and Solve. Regardless of project scale or typology the process is the same.”


Colin’s thoughts from the day

Firstly, thank you all of you for your curiosity, creativity and fantastic level of engagement at the Workshop. Your input, creativity, chats and conversation helped make the workshop memorable and meaningful. Architects often say a building is only as good as its client. Mostly true. You can make a splendid design but if the client does not buy into that and go with your vision the end result may be somewhat different! Art practice for me is the same. Because it’s never ‘just a picture’. It’s a result of the manifestation of what is in your head at the time of making - the internal forces. Of your surroundings - the external forces. So, to facilitate a workshop where participants express themselves, communicate freely, experiment and create is a joy to behold. A big thank you Mary, Caitriona, Jane, Deirdre, Gill, Zoe, Dott, Denise, Mary and Sinéad!


Knockrose Gardens 2023

