DAS Membership Guidelines

The aim of the Dublin Art Society is to promote and encourage the members in the further development of their artistic pursuits.

Membership of the Dublin Art Society can offer numerous benefits, including opportunities for networking, professional development, showcasing and selling artwork, and occasional discounts on art supplies or services. 

To ensure a positive experience for all members, it is important to establish clear guidelines for membership. 

Notification for all matters is through electronic means.

Eligibility Criteria

The Dublin Art Society is an inclusive society and is open to both amateur and professional artists.

Although we are the ‘Dublin’ Art Society, artists based anywhere in Ireland may apply. Please note however, that the same annual membership fee applies to all and that workshops and events will be held in Dublin and surrounding areas.

Application Process

We have a structured application process that requires a completed application form and a minimum of three artwork samples.

Our selection committee consists of experienced and respected artists and art professionals who can assess the quality and suitability of the applicants' work.

Only artists who demonstrate a high level of artistic talent, as determined by the selection committee, will be accepted for membership. In any given year we only have a limited number of available spots.

Membership Fees 

The annual fee for DAS membership is €50 and is paid in September.

The Dublin Art Society is a non-profit organisation and member fees are used to sustain the society and subsidise the cost of events and equipment needed for the smooth running of the society.

Members are expected to participate in the Society’s activities and to exhibit at the Society’s exhibitions.

Members may be called upon to assist with events throughout the year. DAS is a society run by the members for the members.

Code of Conduct

We expect our members to:

Treat others with courtesy and respect.

Use appropriate language and avoid sharing sensitive, offensive, or inappropriate material or language.

If you encounter any issues or have concerns, please let us know* so that necessary improvements/action may be made/taken.

*email us at dublinartsocietydas@gmail.com

DAS Annual Exhibition

Members will be entitled to exhibit at least one picture in an exhibition.  

Fifteen percent of the sum accrued from the sales occurring at the exhibition, will be deducted, by the Society as commission.

The location and time of our annual exhibition changes from year to year.

Exhibition paintings submitted by members must be original works and must not have been showcased at a previous Dublin Art Society exhibition.  The criteria for submission will be advised by the committee at least six weeks in advance of the deadline.  Selection will be carried out by a panel appointed by the committee. The committee may, at its discretion, invite established artists as guest exhibitors to exhibit at the Society’s exhibitions.

Depending on location there may be size limitations on submissions. This is at the discretion of the committee and notice will be given to members ahead of time.

There is a €10 hanging fee per artist exhibiting to help with exhibition costs.


The Dublin Art Society hold an annual general meeting in January/February. This is an opportunity for members to vote, voice their opinions, suggestions etc. The DAS committee are voted in by the members.

The location and time of our AGM changes from year to year.
Notice of the AGM and agenda is circulated a number of weeks before the event.

It is expected that all members will attend the AGM.